Kinsta no longer suports handshake domains

Apparently it has to do someting with them adding cloudflair does anyone know if there are any Kinsta alternatives for using wordpress with handshake domains?

0 points

Have you reviewed the options here:

If that does not help, I can try to catch Johnny (support) and direct him here to assist.

1 points

yeah, actually I went with the Fleek + GitHub + SimplyStatic option, thanks! I did want a non static WordPress build I guess something like that will come around in the near future.

If anyone knows a way of getting a live WordPress Install to work with Handshake (the way it did on Kinsta) I would love to try it out)

0 points

One example is " "Making a Handshake Site (HNS) with Wordpress, WP2Static, Amazon s3" Hope this helps a least to give you some architecture to what you are trying to build for static WP.

Watch 👀

Have fun building. DS

0 points

I got this hosted on github using and SimplyStatic (WP2Static)

Thanks for all your help :)